Reference 6

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Strings in Mops

String Types

There are three main ways of representing strings in Mops: as Str255 strings, as addr-len format strings, or as objects of class String or String+.

When WORD parses a string, it places at HERE (the next available memory location above the dictionary : 68k) or CDP (the next available memory location above the code area of dictionary, which is different from HERE : PowerPC) a byte representing the length of the string, followed by the text of the string. This is the same representation as that used by the Toolbox for the Str255 data type (see Inside Macintosh). When passing strings as parameters on the stack and manipulating them, however, it is usually most convenient to use two cells to represent the string as ( addr len -- ). The word COUNT accepts an address of a Str255-format string and returns its ( addr len ) representation. Conversely, the word STR255 converts addr len to Str255 format, returning the address of the length byte to facilitate Toolbox calls.

Mops preserves a special 256-byte buffer expressly for conversion of addr len to Str255 format, and this buffer's address is left on the stack by the word BUF255. You can use this area occasionally as a temporary workspace for other operations, provided you don't interfere with routine string processing. Note that the word STR255 uses BUF255, and so can only work with one string at a time. For Toolbox calls that require multiple strings, you will have to use the word >STR255, which accepts an arbitrary address for setup of the string.

String Literals and Constants

A Mops string literal is a quote followed by one space and the text of the string, immediately followed by another quote:

" Harold" \ leaves ( -- addr len ) of string

Thus, " Harold" TYPE would print the word Harold on the screen. You should use the string literal whenever you have a single occurrence of a string.

String constants (SCON), on the other hand, are useful when you need to use a string several times in your code. You assign a name to the string, and then use the string name for operations with that string, as follows:

scon   harry   "Harold"        \ assign name harry to string 
harry type                     \ prints "Harold" on the screen

Note that in this case you don't put a space between the " and the first character of the string. In the first example, " was a word, and so had to have a space after it. In the second example, " isn't a word, but just a character being read by the word SCON. In fact you can use any character as a delimiter, which is useful if you need to include a " within the string itself. The first nonblank character after the name of the scon is the delimiter, and the string consists of all the characters up till the next occurrence of the delimiter. Thus you can have:

scon 3quotes /"""/

Using the name of the scon in your program leaves ( addr len ) on the stack, and compiles into a single xt of the dictionary entry for the constant name. Both string literals and constants are fixed strings that once defined, cannot be changed.

For heavily text-oriented applications, a more suitable approach would be to define the text strings as Resources (see section on Using Resources in Mops).

Other String Techniques

For string variables, use an object of classes String or String+, discussed in Part III of this manual. These classes have many methods for doing the sorts of things that you might want to do with strings, such as building them dynamically, finding substrings, searching strings, and inserting and deleting characters from within strings.

In the Tutorial we described the word & which compiles a single literal ASCII character. This can be used either inside or outside a definition. There are also the ANSI standard words CHAR and [CHAR] which perform this function. Outside a definition, the phrase:

char A

places the ASCII code for 'A' (65) on the stack. Inside a definition, the phrase

[char] A

compiles a literal for 'A', and places the value on the stack at runtime. And as we've seen, you can use

& A

either inside or outside a definition, which is probably more convenient (although not ANSI).

There are several primitives for getting a string from the input stream (either keyboard or disk) into the dictionary. WORD gets the next word, without embedded blanks, and moves it to HERE, then returns that address. @WORD is a useful word that takes the place of the frequent phrase BL WORD. For strings, WORD" reads a quote-delimited string from the input stream, moves it to HERE or CDP, and returns that address. MWORD ('Mops word') executes BL WORD, and maps the word to upper case. It is used by Mops itself when interpreting or compiling.

Reference 5 Reference Reference 7